Curriculum for Bobwhite Brigade
Activities marked with * indicate good photo/video oppoitunities for media
Sunday, June 23
2:30 Meet at Krooked River Ranch; make lodging and covey assignments (R. Wilson)
3:00 Overview of Camp and Rules (R. Vinson)
3:15 Get Acquainted Exercise (A. Heirman)
3:30 Administer Pre-test (C. Brown)
4:00 Session 1. Quail Biology (Rollins)
A. Morphology (each covey will necropsy at least 2 quail)
I. Name 5 extemal and 5 internal adaptations of quail
(a) Extemal: feathers, coloration, eye placement, wing shape,
feet for digging
(b) Intemal: crop, gizzard, ceca, breast muscle, uropygial gland,
2. Name structure and function of selected body parts
5:30 B. Behavior (describe each of the following for bobwhites) (Rollins)
1. Foraging
2. Escape
3. Roosting
4. Mating
5. Nesting
6:00 Plant Identification -- How to assemble plant presses (Vinson, Heirman)
6:30 * Fit radio telemeters on quail (RoRins, C. Brown)
7:00 Supper
7:45 Pep Talks (A. V. Jones, T. Connolly, Members of 3rd Battalion)
8:30 Quail Trivia (Round 1)
8:45 Introduction to Ecosystem Management (G. Miller)
9:00 Introduction to Photography (R. Graves)
9:30 Leadership Training (D. Jackson / B. Rue / S. Hall)
10:30 Quail Embryology (G. Franke, R. Vinson)
11:00 30 Coveys a Day (video)
12:00 Lights out
Monday, June 24
7:00 Breakfast
7:45 Introduction to Ranch Planning Exercise (T. Baeza / T. Hailey)
8:15 Quail Biology (con't)
C. Habitat 101 (define each of the following) (G. Miller / 1. Dillard)
1. Habitat components
2. Cruising radius
3. Limiting factors
4. Interspersion
5. Different types of cover (nesting, loafing, brood, roosting, etc.)
8:45 Plant Collections (J. F. Cadenhead, T. Baeza, G. Miller)
1. Identify 20 important plants
2. Initiate plant collection
10:15 Quail Diseases and Parasites (D. Rollins)
10:30 Quail Trivia (Round 2)
10:45 Critical Thinking: Who's the Best Shot? (D. Rollins)
11:00 Wildlife Art (R. Gilliland)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 * Diet (S. Nelle, R. Linex)
1. Conduct a crop analysis and identify important items
2. Construct a seed collection
3. Quail energetics
4. Water
2:30 River Break
3:30 Population dynamics - Session I (D. Rollins)
1. Age/sex determination from plumage
2. Seasonal and Annual Dynamics
3. Recruitment (Natality + Immigration)
4. Attrition (Mortality + Emigration)
5. Mortality factors
6. Quail movements (e.g., fall shuffle)
4:30 Intro to Shotgun Safety (D. Steinbach / S. Hall)
4:45 Quail Trivia (Round 3)
5:00 Introduction to Habitat Evaluation (G. Mifler)
5:30 Population dynamics - Session R (D. Rollins)
1. Effects of hunting
2. Additive vs. compensatory mortality
6:00 Food/Cover Relationships ("Run for Your Life") (D. Rollins)
6:30 Supper
7:00 Basic Shotgunning (Steinbach / Hall)
8:30 Leadership (S. Hall / B. Rue)
10:00 Constructing a Tri-fold Display (C. Brown)
10:30 Work on Ranch Plan and Critical Thinking Exercise
12:00 Lights Out
Tuesday, June 25
6:15 Bird Walk (Rollins, Miller, Hall, S. Slater)
7:00 Breakfast
7:45 Depart for Hendrick's Ranch
8: 15 * Concurrent Sessions (one hour per covey; 2 coveys per session)
Habitat Evaluation (Miller, R. Wells)
Quail Movements and Survival (radio telemetry) (Rollins, P. Carter, C. Brown)
Brood Habitat Appraisal (insect sampling) (Vinson, S. Slater, T. Vineyard)
11:15 Brush Management and Prescribed Burning (T. Hailey / A. Heirman)
11:45 Livestock Grazing and Quail Habitat (G. Mller)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Introduction to Journalism (J. Druesdow)
1:30 Quail Trivia (Round 4)
1:45 * Habitat Management Techniques (Session 1, Rollins/Dillard)
The Concept of Habitability
Plant Succession
The Axe, Plow, Cow & Fire
The Space / Time Continuum
2:30 River Break
3:30 * Habitat Management Techniques (Session II)
Intensive Approaches (Dillard, Miller)
Food Plots
4:00 * Evaluate Dummy Nest Transects (S. Slater / C. Brown)
4:45 Plant Collections
5:15 Inspect CRP site (Miller)
5:45 Return to Krooked River
6:15 Supper
7:00 * Claybird shooting (Steinbach / Hall / R. Reed)
8:30 * Media Skills - Session I (3 sessions/45 min/session/ 2 coveys/group)
TV Interviews (J. Summerlin)
Radio PSAs (A. Bugg)
Writing News Stories (J. Druesdow)
10:30 Quail Trivia (Round 5)
10:45 Work on Ranch Planning Exercise
11:30 Lights Out
Wednesday, June 26
7:30 * Quail Hunting Techniques
A. Equipment (R. Wilson / C. Martin)
B. Dogs (R. Wilson / C. Martin)
8:30 Hunter's Role in Quail Conservation (D. Steinbach / C. Martin / R. Wells
9:00 Effects of Quail Management on Nongame Species (Miller / Rollins)
9:30 Media skills
A. TV-Radio (J. Summerlin, A. Bug)
B. Press (A. Newport)
10:45 Quail Management Myths & Misinformation (Rollins / Miller)
11:15 Conducting Mock Educational Programs (D. Rollins)
11:30 Demonstrations and activities (Assistant Covey Leaders)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Quail Trivia (Round 6)
1:15 Quail Conservation (C. Martin)
1:45 Sporting Clays (shoot for covey score)
Prepare Plant Collections
Work on Slide Presentation
3:30 * Taxidermy project (R. Rifendurg)
6:30 Hunting for Quail on the Internet (Rollins)
7:00 Quail Cookout and Media Contacts
Scholarship Presentation
8:30 Complete taxidermy project
9:30 Wildlife Photography (R. Graves / G. Stewart)
10:15 Maintaining a Wildlife/Land Management Heritage (Rollins)
10:30 Work on Ranch Plan, Slide Show, and Mock Educational Programs
12:00 Lights out
Thursday, June 27
7:00 Breakfast
7:30 Take Group Photo
8:00 Summarize Ranch Management Plan (T. Hailey, T. Baeza)
8:45 Conduct Slide Programs (10 minutes/covey)
10:30 Support materials (Rollins, C. Brown)
1. Resource handbook
2. Slide set
3. Video
4. Demonstration materials
5. Displays
6. Completing recordbook
10:45 Program Development and Networking (G. Stewart / R. Vinson)
11:00 Conduct Mock Educational Programs (10 minutes/covey)
12:15 Lunch
1:00 Quail Tnvia (Round 6)
1:15 Results of Art, Photo, Plant Coflection, and Taxidermy Projects
1:30 Write and Mail Thank You notes
2:15 Award Presentations
3:00 Administer Post-Test (T. Vineyard)
3:30 Clean up camp
4:00 Adjourn Camp
5:00 Meet Parents to be Dismissed
Field Exercises:
Habitat Evaluation (several sites ranging from 1 to 10 score) (Miller/Wells)
Brood Habitat Evaluation (sweep survey for insect abundance) (Vinson / Slater)
Nest Depredation (have nests established several weeks prior) (A. Heirmann & R. Vinson)
Radio Telemetry (P. Carter and D. Rollins)
Basic Shotgunning and Sporting Clays (D. Steinbach / S. Hall)
Bird Walk (D. Rollins, S. Hall, G. Miller)
Plant and Seed CoUections (S. Nelle, R. Linex, and J. F. Cadenhead)
Photography (R. Graves)
Taxidermy (R. Rifendurgh)
Dog Training (R. Wilson, C. Martin)
Quail Embryology (G. Franke, R. Vinson)
Art (R. Gilliland)
Joumalism (J. Druesdow)
Leadership (B. Rue, S. Hall, D. Jackson)
Media Training (A. Bugg, J. Summerlin, J. Druesdow, S. Byms)
Ranch Planning Exercise (T. Baeza, T. Hailey)